01 November 2006

Picky Men...

My entire life I have heard men complain about how "Picky" women are. Throughout my 46 years I have listened to various men complain about how picky women can be regarding clothing, jewelry, shoes, friends, homes, home decorations, men, cars, food.... you name it and they claim we are picky.... Well I've learned that it's not so much that we are "picky" but at an early age we have decided what we like, what our "style" is and through life we pretty much stick with that... men like to claim that we're picky and they like to get together and discuss how picky we are.... it's like a conversation that causes them to bond becaue they empathsize with each other....

The past few weeks, my husband has taught me the TRUE meaning of picky. We celebrated our 5th anniversary this year and had talked about "upgrading" our wedding rings but our anniverary fell right near Ellie's (our 6 year old daughter)birthday and we had our big trip to Disney.... there was no way we could fund upgraded rings after that trip. Months have gone by and the idea of upgrading came up.... we talked about it, set a budget and then the search for my replacement rings began.... because I am a woman I know what I like, what I don't like and had somewhat of an idea of what I'd like to have... finding that something in our budget would be the challenge. Surprisingly enough I found a ring I fell in love with,it was everything I loved and wanted in a ring.....AND it was within our budgeted amount. We made the deal, ordered the ring and set the process in motion to have the diamond mounted. I was so excited.

During all of these trips to the stores we scoured the mens sections looking for a replacement ring for Eric. He really didn't want a new ring. He was very happy with the plain band he had but I wanted him to have something new and more specal. Something with a little more zing and bling. Eric a very simple person who doesn't like a lot of fru-fru, He's just easy going and likes things that are simple and plain (except for me, and I am definitely high maintenance). We went to every jewelry store in the city and some of them we went to multiple locations of the store. He found nothing he liked. It had to be flat white gold with high gloss finish. No brush type finish, no cuts in the band, nothing A-Symmectrical or "different." What he wanted was one diamond, flush mounted in a plain white gold band. This ring, premade does not exitst, not unless you want titantium anyhow... everywhere we went we were told "We could try to have it made but it would probably have to be bezel set... NOT what he wanted,,,, one diamond , flush mounted with no fru fru... It seems that this would be simple to find, seems like something any many would like...... its would be pretty and simple... not too much flash, not too much bling....
NOT A SINGLE store in the city had this ring... we dug through catalogs and catalogs looking for this ring..... nothing... Mr. Picky had chosen the one ring in the world that didn't exist....
Well tonight we pick up his ring... we had to have it custom made... a 10mm wide wide gold flat band with high gloss finish, no etching, no cuts, no nothing but with a single diamond, just one signle diamond flush mounted..... I'm sure it'll be beautiful. I can't wait to see it....
In comparison to this man, I am the LEAST picky person in the world...... He on the other hand is THE most picky man that exists.....
I guess I feel pretty lucky... if he's that picky, I'm lucky he picked me......I think we'll be keeping these rings a long long time... well tell we hit the lottery and I can afford a bigger center mount solitaire for this ring but this mount is a keeper... just like the husband! :)

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